Monthly Archives: December 2018

Her Desire Implied

And how then she did smile,
as was immediate, my gaze;
her contentment seethed,
and in her eyes, abandon,
as her smile then permeates;
with her own gaze imposed,
the spreading of her form
to revel, as much as reveal;
’twas her intent, this smile,
seductive, sublimely awash,
that her hands left her sides,
that her thighs were warm;
had she the intent to seduce,
or be it means to her design;
her smile could not be gaged,
nor breath fallen from her lips
be cooled by the mere distance
which was arrested between us;
I saw only desire, cast plainly,
as the wantonness of her smile,
and the closing space to follow,
as she moved in silent prayer
to her rightful place before me;
’twas her dance of submission,
as much as her desire implied.

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Posted by on December 3, 2018 in My Poetry